
The Fairfield Police Department is always seeking to recruit qualified, diverse candidates for employment with our agency. Law enforcement employment overall presents individuals with a great opportunity to serve their fellow citizens and help to keep our region safe. Policing in the Township of Fairfield gives individuals a unique opportunity to engage in various law enforcement activities to include everything from community policing and traffic enforcement right up to operations conducted with various county, state, and federal agencies. Interested individuals can always submit a resume for the position of probationary police officer, special police officer, and dispatcher. Resumes are kept on file in the Office of the Chief of Police. The Township of Fairfield is an equal opportunity employer.
​Individuals seeking information relative to the qualifications needed to become a Fairfield police officer can refer to the following information which is found in the Code of the Township of Fairfield:
​2-11.2 Probationary Police Officer; Eligibility and Appointment
a. No person shall hereafter be appointed probationary Police Officer who is not eligible under the New Jersey Statutes.
b. No person shall hereafter be appointed permanent Police Officer unless he is eligible for that appointment under the applicable laws of the State of New Jersey, and no sooner than twelve (12) months following the date of appointment by the Mayor and Council.
c. No person shall be appointed a probationary Police Officer who is not a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of New Jersey.
d. No person shall be appointed a probationary Police Officer who is unable to read, write, speak, and understand the English language well and intelligently.
e. No person shall be appointed a probationary Police officer unless they possess a valid New Jersey State driver's license and a four (4) year college degree preferably in criminal justice from an accredited institution, or three (3) years of military service.
f. No person shall be appointed a probationary Police Officer unless they successfully complete a medical examination including eyesight test of 20/20 vision or 20/30 vision correct. All candidates shall successfully pass a drug screening test as administered by the Township physician.
g. No person shall be appointed a probationary Police Officer who is not of good moral character or who has been convicted of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude.
h. Except as provided in subsection 2-11.2j, no one shall be appointed a probationary Police Officer who does not successfully complete the following process:
Written Examination. All candidates must pass a comprehensive written examination with a minimum score of eighty (80). The Governing Body shall determine the person(s) or organizations who shall be responsible for the preparation and administration of the written examination.
2. Physical Agility Test. All candidates who successfully pass the written examination will be required to pass a physical agility test with a minimum score of eighty (80). The Governing Body shall determine the person(s) or organization who shall be responsible for the preparation and administration of the physical agility test.
3. Oral Interview. Candidates who successfully pass both the written examination and physical agility test will be interviewed and scored. The Governing Body shall determine the person(s) or organization responsible for the preparation and administration of the oral interview.
4. Medical Examination. All successful candidates considered for appointment shall submit to a medical examination by a licensed physician selected by the Governing Body. All candidates must meet health requirements set for eligibility into the Police and Fire Pension System.
5. Background Investigation. All successful candidates being considered for appointment shall submit to a background investigation which shall be conducted by the Fairfield Police Department, or persons or organizations designated by the Governing Body. This investigation shall determine the suitability of the candidate to be a patrolman. A copy of the investigation shall be submitted to and retained by the Chief of Police.
6. Psychological Evaluation. All successful candidates being considered for appointment shall submit to a psychological evaluation to determine the candidate's emotional fitness for the position by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist selected by the Governing Body. Copies of the evaluation shall be retained by the Chief of Police.
7. The resulting list of all qualified candidates, in scored rank order, will be provided to the Governing Body, and will remain in effect for two (2) years from the date of the test, unless it is found necessary to conduct another test sooner than two (2) years.
i. Appointment to the Police Department shall be by resolution of the Governing Body of the Township of Fairfield from the list of qualified candidates following interview(s) by the Governing Body with the candidate(s). Interviews of qualified candidates shall be conducted from a pool consisting of the highest ranked candidates numbering no less than two (2) times the number of positions to be filled. In the event that a candidate has previously been interviewed by the Governing Body such candidate(s) shall only be interviewed by the Governing Body again thereafter at the specific direction of the Governing Body.
j. Lateral Hires of Fully Certified Police Officers. Notwithstanding other provisions contained in this chapter, in the event the Chief of Police recommends, and the Governing Body finds, that it would be in the best interest of the Township of Fairfield to waive the regular process and hire one (1) or more probationary Police Officers who are certified by the New Jersey Police Training Commission as certified Police Officers in the State of New Jersey, the Governing Body may waive the requirements that such officers take the written examination set forth in subsection 2-11.2h,1 herein and the physical agility test set forth in subsection 2-11.2h,2 herein and the oral examination set forth in subsection 2-11.2h,3 herein and hire the probationary officer(s). However, prior to hiring a probationary officer in the circumstances, all candidates must first pass the medical examination set forth in subsection 2-11.2h,4 herein, the psychological evaluation set forth in subsection 2-11.2h,6 herein and be interviewed as set forth in subsection 2-11.2,I herein.
k. Alternate Route and SLEO II Candidates Having Less than Full Certification. Notwithstanding other provisions contained in this chapter, in the event the Chief of Police recommends, and the Governing Body finds, that it would be in the best interest of the Township of Fairfield to waive the regular process and hire one (1) or more probationary Police Officers who are considered either an Alternate Route or SLEO II candidates partially certified by the New Jersey Police Training Commission, the Governing Body may waive the requirements that such officers take the written examination set forth in subsection 2-11.2h,1 herein and the physical agility test set forth in subsection 2-11.2h, 2 herein and the oral examination set forth in subsection 2-11.2h,3 herein and hire the Probationary Officer(s). However, prior to hiring a Probationary Officer in the circumstances, all candidates must first pass the medical examination set forth in subsection 2-11.2h,4 herein and be interviewed as set forth in subsection 2-11.2,i herein. In addition, all such Alternate Route and SLEO II candidates must be eligible by law and will be required within one (1) year from their date of employment to obtain full certification from the New Jersey Police Training Commission at their own cost and expense.
The Mayor and Council may waive the Written Examination and Physical Agility Examination portion of the screening process. Successful candidates will then be hired and appointed to the position of Probationary Police Officer.
2-11.16 Special Police Officers
a. Special Law Enforcement Officers; Appointments; Qualifications.
1. Fairfield Township, as it deems necessary, may appoint Special Law Enforcement
Officers sufficient to perform the duties and responsibilities permitted by local ordinances authorized by N.J.S. 40A:14- 118.
2. No person may be appointed as a Special Law Enforcement Officer unless the person:
​ a. Is a resident of the State of New Jersey during the term of appointment;
b. Is able to read, write and speak the English language well and intelligently and has a high school diploma or its equivalent;
c. Is sound in body and of good health;
d. Is of good moral character;
e. Has successfully undergone the same psychological testing that is required of all full-time police officers in the municipality or, has successfully undergone a program of psychological testing approved by the Police Chief.
3. Every applicant for the position of Special Law Enforcement Officer appointed pursuant to this subsection shall have fingerprints taken, which fingerprints shall be filed with the Division of State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
4. No person shall be appointed to serve as a Special Law Enforcement Officer in more than one local unit at the same time, nor shall any permanent, regularly appointed full-time Police Officer or any local unit be appointed as a Special Law Enforcement Officer in any local unit. No public official with responsibility for setting law enforcement policy or exercising authority over the budget of the local unit or supervision of the Police Department of a local unit shall be appointed as a Special Law Enforcement Officer.
5. Before any Special Law Enforcement Officer is appointed, the Chief of Police, or, in the absence of the Chief, other chief law enforcement officer of the local unit shall ascertain the eligibility and qualifications of the applicant and report these determinations in writing to the Mayor and Council.
6. Any person who at any time prior to his appointment had served as a duly qualified, fully trained, full-time officer in any municipality of this State and who was separated from that prior service in good standing, shall be eligible to serve as a Special Law Enforcement Officer. The training requirements set forth in N.J.S.A. § 40A:14-146.11 may be waived by the Police Training Commission with regard to any person eligible to be appointed as a Special Law Enforcement Officer.
b. Duties.
1. Special Law Enforcement Officers should be used for emergencies, both anticipated and unexpected, and can be used as well to supplement or augment regular force.
2. The State's policy to protect regular municipal Policemen by giving them tenure of office during good behavior cannot be nullified by appointing Special Law Enforcement Officers to perform the same duties as regular Policemen during normal conditions.
3. Special Law Enforcement Officers may be appointed to serve on a temporary or intermittent basis for emergent or unusual conditions, to supplement the regular Police Departments for traffic and crowd control and/or to provide extra security at parades, sporting events, riots, natural disasters and for other similar purposes.
4. The Chief of Police, or in the absence of the Chief, other chief law enforcement officer of the local unit wherein the officer is appointed, may authorize Special Law Enforcement Officers when on duty to exercise the same powers and authority to permanent, regularly appointed Police Officers of the local unit including, but not limited to, the carrying of firearms and the power of arrest, subject to rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the certification requirement, as may be established by the Mayor and Council.
c. Training Course; Firearms
1. No person may commence his duties as a Special Law Enforcement Officer unless he has successfully completed a training course approved by the Police Training Commission and no Special Law Enforcement Officer may be issued a firearm unless he has successfully completed the basic firearms course approved by the Police Training Commission for permanent, regularly appointed police and annual requalification examinations. There shall be two classifications for Special Police Officers. The Police Training Commission shall prescribe by rule or regulation the training standards to be established for each classification. Training may be in a Police Training Commission approved academy or in any other training program which the Police Training Commission may deem appropriate. The classifications shall be based upon the duties to be performed by the Special Law Enforcement Officer as follows:
a. Class One. Officers of this class shall be authorized to perform routine traffic detail, spectator control and similar duties. If authorized by this subsection, Class One officers shall have the power to issue summonses for disorderly persons and petty disorderly persons offenses, violations of municipal ordinances and violations of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes. The use of a firearm by an officer of this class shall be strictly prohibited and no Class One Officer shall be assigned any duties which may require the carrying or use of a firearm.
b. Class Two. Officers of this class shall be authorized to exercise full powers and duties similar to those of a permanent, regularly appointed full-time Police Officer. The use of a firearm by an officer of this class may be authorized only after the officer has been fully certified as successfully completing training as prescribed by the Commission.
2. The Police Training Commission may, in its discretion, except from the requirements of this subsection any person who demonstrates to the Police Training Commission's satisfaction that he has successfully completed a Police training course conducted by any Federal, State or other public or private agency, the requirements of which are substantially equivalent to the requirements of this subsection.
3. The Police Training Commission shall certify officers who have satisfactorily completed training programs and issue appropriate certifications to those officers. The certificate shall clearly state the category of certification for which the officer has been certified by the Police Training Commission.
d. Uniforms. Every Special Law Enforcement Officer prior to the commencement of his duties shall be furnished with a uniform which shall identify the officer's function. The uniform shall include, but not be limited to, a hat and appropriate badges which shall bear an identification number or name tag and the name of the local unit in which the officer is employed. The uniform shall also include an insignia issued by the Commission which clearly indicates the officer's status as a Special Law Enforcement Officer and the type of certification issued pursuant to Section 4 of act N.J.S.A. § 40A:14-146.11. Reimbursement for uniforms shall be as follows:
1. Class II Officers shall be reimbursed for their uniform purchase as follows:
a. After completion of one year of service with the Township as a Class II Officer: 50%.
b. Completion of two years of service: 100%.
2. With the recommendation of the Chief of Police, this requirement may be waived by way of a resolution adopted by the Township Mayor and Council.
e. Terms and Revocation of Appointments as Special Law Enforcement Officers.
1. Special Law Enforcement Officers may be appointed for terms not to exceed one year, and the appointments may be revoked by the local unit for cause after adequate hearing, unless the appointment is for four months or less, in which event the appointment may be revoked without cause or hearing. Nothing herein shall be construed to require reappointment upon the expiration of the term.
2. Special Law Enforcement Officers so appointed shall not be members of the Police force of the Township of Fairfield, and their powers and duties as determined shall cease at the expiration of the term for which appointed.
3. No Special Law Enforcement Officer may carry a firearm except while engaged in the actual performance of the officer's official duties and when specially authorized by the Chief of Police, or, in the absence of the Chief, other chief law enforcement officer of the local unit to carry a firearm and provided that the officer has satisfactorily completed the basic firearms course required by the Police Training Commission for regular Police Officer and annual requalification examinations as required for permanent, regularly appointed full-time officers in the local unit.
4. The Special Law Enforcement Officer shall comply with the rules and regulations applicable to the conduct and decorum of the permanent, regularly appointed Police Officers of the local unit, as well as any rules and regulations applicable to the conduct and decorum of Special Law Enforcement Officers.
5. Any firearm utilized by a Special Law Enforcement Officer shall be returned at the end of the officer's workday to the officer in charge of the station house, unless the firearm is owned by the Special Law Enforcement Officer and was acquired in compliance with a condition of employment established by the local unit. Special authorization shall be in the form of a permit which shall not be unreasonably withheld, which is subject to renewal annually and may be revoked at any time by the Chief of Police. The permit shall be on the person of the Special Police Officer whenever a revolver or other similar weapon is carried off duty. No permit shall be issued until the Special Police Officer has successfully completed all training courses required under this section. Any training courses completed by a Special Police Officer under the direction of the Chief of Police in a school and a curriculum approved by the Police Training Commission, pursuant to P.L. 1961, c. 56 (N.J.S.A. 52:17B-66 et seq.) shall be credited towards the 280 hours of training required to be completed by this section. Any training required by this section shall commence within 90 days of the date of the appointment of the Special Police Officer, whichever is later.
6. A Special Law Enforcement Officer shall be under the supervision and direction of the Chief of Police, or in the absence of the Chief, other chief law enforcement officer of the local unit wherein the officer is appointed, and shall perform his duties only in the local unit except when in fresh pursuit of any person pursuant to Chapter 156 of Title 2A of the New Jersey Statutes or when authorized to perform duties in another unit pursuant to a mutual aid agreement enacted in accordance with Section 1 of P.L. 1976, c. 45 (N.J.S.A. 40A:14-156.1).
7. The officer shall comply with the rules and regulations applicable to the conduct and decorum of the permanent, regularly appointed Police Officers of the local unit, as well as any rules and regulations applicable to the conduct and decorum of Special Law Enforcement Officers.
f. Assembly.
1. Special Law Enforcement Officer shall be allowed to perform law enforcement duties outside of the jurisdictional limits of the local unit in which the officer was appointed when authorized to do so pursuant to a mutual police aid agreement enacted in accordance with current law. Section 1 of P.L. 1976, c. 45 (N.J.S.A. 40A:14-156.1) permits the governing bodies of two or more municipalities to enter into agreements by reciprocal ordinances for rendering mutual police or fire aid in case of emergency. These mutual aid agreements are now used to permit regular municipal Police Officers to perform law enforcement duties in areas outside the jurisdictional limits of their law enforcement departments.
2. Special Law Enforcement Officers will be allowed to travel through the jurisdiction of another law enforcement unit in order to reach a noncontiguous area of the local unit in which he has his appointment or to transport persons to and from a prison.
g. Hours of Employment.
1. Generally, Special Law Enforcement Officers are not to be employed for more than 20 hours per week. However, in the event of an emergency, or when the Chief of Police deems a need exists, there shall be no limitation of hours. The use of Special Law Enforcement Officers shall not violate Subsection g2 of this subsection regardless of any emergency situation.
2. Special Law Enforcement Officers may be employed only to assist the local law enforcement unit but may not be employed to replace or substitute for full-time, regular Police Officers or in any way diminish the number of full-time officers employed by the local unit.
3. The Township of Fairfield may designate one Special Law Enforcement Officer to whom the limitations on hours shall not be applicable.